knitted chains

Cast on 60 sticthes. Join the last and the first stitch into a circle, continue knitting until you have 20 rows before you cast off. Then you have the first link of your chain.

Repeat what you just did but before you join the circle thread the needles through the first circle. Then you just have to repeat the same thing with all circles, linking them through eachother before you join each circle.

When knitting the last circle thread through both end circles so it makes a continous chain.

It's in knit stitches nature to roll up towards its top and bottom rows, this time it's actually a good thing, hiding the edges. You don't really need to do anything with the loose ends, you can just tuck them into the rolled up edge, but if you want it to be neater you can off course finish them off pulling them through some of the knitted stitches with a needle.
I find this necklace/scarf so goodlooking! You can wear it just hanging or wrapped twice around your neck if it's cold outside, could be useful since the summer is a bummer.
If you don't have the time to make it yourself you can buy mine.
I find this necklace/scarf so goodlooking! You can wear it just hanging or wrapped twice around your neck if it's cold outside, could be useful since the summer is a bummer.
If you don't have the time to make it yourself you can buy mine.
jag är ju inte så haj på det här med stickning... men varför måste man lägga upp på vanliga stickor först?
men kommer du ihåg strumporna jag stickade åt dig i högstadiet?